Ing. Ľuboš Schramko je členom reprezentácie SR pre tento turnaj, ktorý má šatút neoficiálnych MS OLD TIMERS.
The X International Christmas Cup
Minsk, Belarus
January 3 – 7, 2014
An Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament
for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus
The Belarusian Ice Hockey Association is pleased to invite your hockey amateur/old-timers
national team to the X Christmas International Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament for the Prize
of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The Christmas Cup will be held at the main ice hockey arenas of Minsk from January 3 to 7,
2014 with participation of twelve teams, each representing a nation. Besides sports activities
all participants will have the opportunity to enjoy Belarusian hospitality and the spirit of true
hockey and friendship.